Sunday, September 2, 2012


This summer I finally started my first legendarily sketch book!
It was really fun! I chose the pieces I like to post down there. : )

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's Summer Time!

It's Summer time!!
Now is hot and sunny out there! It's time to go to beach! : D

 This one is for Facebook's cover photo. :3
You are welcome to use it!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2012 printmaking

I'm taking printmaking during the summer. It is a really fun class!
My first project is to use linoleum to do relief . I did a fat pug!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hansel & Gretel

"Hansel & Gretel"
Done by Cut paper

 After the witch died, they found the treasure in the gingerbread house

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Rabbit's Tail

It's a Cover of my own story - "The Rabbit's Tail."



Friday, April 6, 2012

A Gift for My Love

Happy 3rd Anniversary!!
A gift for my dear boyfriend! :)

Aesop for Children

An interesting Children's book assignment!

 Aesop for Children
A Jackdaw chanced to fly over the garden of the King's palace. There he saw with much wonder and envy a flock of royal Peacocks in all the glory of their splendid plumage.

Now the black Jackdaw was not a very handsome bird, nor very refined in manner. Yet he imagined that all he needed to make himself fit for the society of the Peacocks was a dress like theirs. So he picked up some castoff feathers of the Peacocks and stuck them among his own black plumes.

Dressed in his borrowed finery he strutted loftily among the birds of his own kind. Then he flew down into the garden among the Peacocks. But they soon saw who he was. Angry at the cheat, they flew at him, plucking away the borrowed feathers and also some of his own.

The poor Jackdaw returned sadly to his former companions. There another unpleasant surprise awaited him. They had not forgotten his superior airs toward them, and, to punish him, they drove him away with a rain of pecks and jeers.

"Borrowed feathers do not make fine birds."